Monday, April 6, 2015


How far do you need to go to fulfill the great commission AND how much would it cost? 

The answer might shock you! 

The price of airfare is costly and most of us cannot afford to travel that far - both in terms of time and money...


HERE IS MY OFFER: I want to send you enough money in order to support you on a long distance missionary journey this year (enough to take you to the ends of the earth). 


This summer in July, I will have the opportunity to fly 30,000 miles to Malawi Africa and back for a mission trip in fulfilling the Great Commission!  I feel blessed to partner with Water Wells for Africa in bringing much needed clean drinking water that is literally saving thousands of lives each day and making an impact in the world,

I also feel privileged to be part of a team that during this trip will also give the message of the gospel to thousands of people which Jesus likens to “Living Water.” 

In fulfilling the Great Commission there should be no place that we should neglect in going for the sake of making Christ known and extending the glory of God.  From LA to Tokyo (hum…almost sounds like lyrics to a song – right?), it’s 5,500 miles. To Shanghai, it’s about 8,000 miles. 

Would we be willing to go that far for the sake of the sharing the love of God expressed through His Son, Jesus Christ.  How far would we be willing to go to do good things, to help human suffering, to reach out to the “least of these” in the Name of Jesus?

The cunning religious establishment in Jerusalem tried to trap Jesus by forcing Him to do the seemingly impossible task of having to choose one commandment over all the rest –of the equally important commandments. 

      THEY HAD HIM! 

One of them, a lawyer, asked Him a question, testing Him, “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?” 
And He said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’   Matt 22:36-37

Jesus reduces all of scripture down to one command. That one command is to love God with all of your being… by doing that... everything else falls into line. All the law ―all the prophets ―all the Old Testament hinges on this ONE COMMAND!              LOVE GOD!

And... we can only love Him, because (as his beloved Apostle, John, writes) “He first loved us(1 Jn 4:10).

When God pours His Love into us we cannot contain it. It overflows… Jesus says Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them (Jn 7:37b-38).  

That being said, Jesus finishes summing up the Great Command by saying this,  
      “The second is like it, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”

Now Listen – this next part just might shock you! He didn’t say love the person in the pew next to you.  He didn’t say love your pastor. He didn’t say love the Christian down the street with the fish sticker on the back window of their SUV. Yes, we are to do that!  Men will know that we are His disciples by our love for one another (Jn 13:35).  BUT THIS IS WHAT JESUS DID SAY,                             “LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR!”  

We pretty much have the art of loving God down to a science and loving our brothers and sisters in Christ… We got that down pat in our holy huddles! We are good at it and we should be! But your neighbor might be 14, 281 miles away in Malawi… EVEN MORE SHOCKING – your neighbor – the neighbor that Jesus was talking about just might be the person who lives right next door to you.      CRAZY RIGHT - who would have ever thought? 

CHECK THIS OUT. If I got in a plane and headed due east to the utmost ends of the earth and flew as far east as I could... I would end up 24,000 miles later at the house directly next door to me. THE ENDS OF THE EARTH IS YOUR NEIGHBOR. 

We need better to have the art of loving our neighbor down. It was Jesus’ idea! He sends you into the world as His ambassador -  RIGHT WHERE YOU LIVE!

Go to Africa, or China, or Brazil if you want to…THAT’s GOOD… but it also fulfills the Great Commission through the Great Command to go and live Christ intentionally right where He put you. That’s why Jesus told the Apostles to “Look up” they didn’t have to go far for the harvest! He was saying, ‘here it is, right in front of you” just look up and the harvest of souls is right here – IT IS around you!  

[dollar bills]How much does it cost to travel east some 24,000 miles for this mission trip – that ends up at the house next door - or at your job - or to the clerk at the grocery store - nothing! 

Get out of the door and live the gospel intentionally right where God has put you– to make Christ Known and to extend the Glory of God to the ends of the earth!     

Jesus makes it all pretty simple and He supernaturally equips you for this task. You might be thinking "I can't do this, my only spiritual gifting is hospitality. I'm not a Pastor or a street evangelist." Even if you "only" had the gift of hospitality and could find the time to share a meal or have a conversation with your neighbor you are probably more suited for the job of effectively sharing the gospel and can have more impact for the Kingdom than the annoying "street evangelist."  

               Take me up on my offer and book your flight now!  

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