Monday, March 16, 2015

Shipwrecked and Missional Drift

I have been lost at sea, caught in treacherous storms, blown off course and feared dead by loved ones. I have sailed through hurricane strength storms, been in boating accidents and sea sick more times than I care to remember. Through a series of small miscalculations that put our crew hundreds of miles off course, we ended up dangerously lost in thick fog that put us in peril of being shipwrecked in the Channel Islands. It turned out that the greatest danger to our voyage was not the violent storms that tore off the trim of our boat, that tweaked our rigging and that caused leaking in the hull, but was rather the subtle drift that eventually took us way off course that put us in this desperate and dangerous situation. 

I believe this real life experience can serve as a metaphor on how the Church here in America has lost sight of its destination ―lulled by the gentle breezes of our Western culture that has caused us to drift miles off course. In light of Scripture, I hope to identify where we gone off course and will investigate ways that can put us back on track for the glorious purposes of the Church.

From this firsthand experience I can can tell you with certainty, that it only takes being a couple degrees off during a long journey that can cause a ship to be a long way from its intended destination over a period of time.

When contemplating the current position of the church here in United States, I wonder if the same could be said about us. Have we been blown off course by so mild of winds that we have lost our way without being aware of how far and how dangerously we have drifted? It is this subtle “MISSIONAL DRIFT” that I intend to dive into headfirst and explore. My goal is to reclaim and restore the Biblical vision God has for us, as a People, who are called to Himself in order to ignite a Gospel Revolution here in the United States - where the number of believers has suffered radical decline and  has failed to make impact in the culture. 

 The Church really doesn't need any more “how-to-programs," systems or strategies other than what are provided to us in Scripture. 

The Bible gives us everything we need to know about the high calling of God for His People which should be sufficient to ignite the passion in us to engage the context of our present mission field.

DEAD RECKONING might appear to be a depressing title about a book dealing with issues of the Christian Church in North America. I assure you; however, no matter how negative the title may appear to “land lubbers,” it is a very positive word in ocean navigation. Dead Reckoning is the method of calculating one’s current position based on where one has been, given the direction and rate in which one is moving forward. It is only by making a correct assessment of where we, God’s People, are presently, and know where we are headed, that will allow us to identify and make the necessary corrections to get back on course towards God’s intended destination for His Church.

THE PURPOSE OF THIS MINISTRY exist to provide VISION that will help you understand and come to terms with your fit in the Body. It will clarify your call from God, help to illuminate your purpose and will provide the nautical instruments (the tools) for getting your life, your church and God’s People back on track.  

Next time, I want to take you back with me to the very beginning for an very important look at where the journey begins for us as His People in the book of Genesis. I hope to show you how Creation sets the stage for God’s divine purpose for sending the ship out of the port in the first place ―His mission for us!  

As we continue to build this Website - Dead Reckoning Ministries  it is my hope that you will find (downloadable) resources and Bible Study material that will help you RISE UP and live for the Purpose for which God has called us together as a People!                                       

                         For His Glory and for His Name! 

"But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light." 1 Peter 2:9

Facebook is a way for us to build a community of people who simply say, "Yes" to God!   Please join the Gospel Revolution and tell others!  Gospel Formed Living    Click here and Jump in with both feet

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